Yesterday we had a nice communal dinner in the albergue. The albergue had some funny things like e.g. hammocks for us pilgrims.
There is a San Martín del Camino on the way….
After two hours of walking I felt a tendon (Sehne; I think at least it is the tendon) on my left foot. It did not really hurt but I thought it got worse after a short distance…. so I decided to make shorter steps and walk slower. Then it was okay during the walk.
I walked the last 3 or 4 days faster than before, because I was fitter. And I tied the shoes relatively hard because one time I got a small blister because of too much movement in the shoe…. maybe faster walking, the record day and the too hard tieing was too much.
I came to this bridge in Hospital de Órbigo after about 21km. I thought…. was not this the bridge with the famous tournament?
Yes, it was. In 1434 the Leónese knight Suero de Quiñones was scorned by his love. He wanted to fight for his love in a tournament against every knight, who would come in a month to the bridge and would take the challenge… after that month he had won more than 300 tournaments and very much fame and even nowadays the story is a comic on the walls of my albergue.