Day 1: Drive to Genova near from Rome, exploring the habour and the ligthouse

Today we woke up early and started driving west at 8 a.m. It was a 400 km drive and with some stops for coffee or ice cream with the beautiful scenery of the Mediterrane Sea really enjoyable!

🌊In the afternoon we arrived and checked into our gorgeous apartment on the 5th floor and rested a bit. Then we explored the city and first saw less cleaned up parts and a lot of construction zones. We arrived at the walking ways and promenades and got good views of the giant habour. At the lighthouse the view was even better and we luckily reached it before the closure and could get a look over the whole city. On the way back we took another route that was cleaner and more revived with beautiful buildings, a lot of small supermercatos and vegetables/fruit stores!

Laura and I cooked for dinner Pasta and made a salad 🥗🍝! After a shower and some talking about our last experiences we fell into bed :)✨

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