Day 15: Connemara National Park – Alcock and Brown Atlantic Crossing Memorial near Clifton, Dimond hill, a short stop at the Kylemore Abbey, Glassilaun Beach & dinner at Oughterad ‚Power’s Thatch‘

We started our day with a good porridge and some fruits at Hollybanks. We drove first to the Alcock and Brown Atlantic Crossing Memorial near Clifton, a memorial for the two pilots who crossed the whole Atlantic by plane from Canada to Ireland. 🇨🇦🇮🇪

And there were also information texts about Marconi, an Italian-Irish man who is known for his creation of a practical radio wave–based wireless telegraph system which was important for this first Atlantic crossing.

Our next stop was the Dimond hill where we walked a 3 km trail and enjoyed the lovely view of the fjord & ate our lunch at the picnic area (and had a small under sugar crisis before :)👣

Then we wanted to visit the Kylemore Abbey, but as we got a pretty view of it from the crowded parking area and decided that there were way to many people and we wanted to skip it from inside and just looked at it from outside. ⛪

Openstreetmap leaded us over the sheep roads with panoramic views of rural Connemara to the Glassilaun Beach 🐑🏖. There we walked along the coast and enjoyed the view and waves and the wind 🌊.

Our dinner was at Oughterad „Power’s Thatch“, a local PUB where we ate Fish and Chips and Irish Stew 🍲🐟🍟.

At Hollybanks we talked to J. (Owner) and then had a nice conversation with J. from Spain, Sevilla 🇪🇸 until 11 p.m. and now we’re looking forword for going to sleep. 💤

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