Day 1: flight to Bilbao, bus to Oviedo & Austurien Fabada

We started our day early at 5 a.m. and said goodbye to Laura & mom/Beate & Sisi. Then we took the train to the Airport and checked in, dropped our language and boarded. The flight was wonderful and we had a beautiful view of the Alpes, a lot of lakes and the Pyrenees. ✈️

We arrived in Bilbao and took a bus to the city center. There we looked around the „Guggenheim Museum“ with modern art and a modern architecture.

Afterwards we ate lunch in a park and went over detours in the direction of the bus station by a children’s festival and some parks. 🌳🌴

At 3 p.m. we drove with the bus until 6 p.m. where we arrived in Oviedo. Most of the time we slept in the bus and in the first hour got amazing views of the Spanish coastline 🏖🚍

We checked into our hostel, bought Tiger balsam for me ( I had a little headache because of the other climate and a lack of sleep) and then searched for a traditional Asturien restaurant. There we ate the special dish „Asturien Fabada“ (a recommendation of the Spanish tour guide J. we met in Ireland) and a big green salad 🥗🍲.

On our way back to the hostel we went by the Cathedral of Oviedo and saw our first Camino signs 🙂

Now we both take a shower, prepare stuff for tomorrow and then go to bed ✨💫

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