Today dad and I spent our day seperatly. But before that we went to a Spanish doctor in the health care center of Ribadeo and she told me that I should only walk again if all pain would be away.
So I had to take the bus and he walked 27 km. He saw a lot of animals on the way like cows, horses, dogs and cats. The altitude rised and it was not easy to walk – but with some sugar and Cafe con leche (and sugar) he made it to me at Lourenza. I met several diffrent pilgrims in the bus and before I drove to Lourenza I talked long to a Mexican pilgrim about our lifes and cultural dishes.
At Lourenza we were two of three guests of our Albergue, which felt pretty strange because the Albergue was meant of 24 persons, but we had one dormitory for us! At dinner we stayed in a restaurant and enjoyed Dorade and a lot of meat.