Day 8: Lourenza to Abadin

Today we had to seperate again so dad and I waited for the bus – in the evening we had seen a sign that told us that the bus station was at another place in the village so we went there. But as the bus came it drove by us, so dad ran to the former bus station and I walked fast behind him and luckily we catched the bus.

So dad started walking and I started driving again and visited the Cathedral of Mondoñedo. I took the bus to Abadin and chilled there in 2 restaurants till the Albergue opened.

Dad had the hardest climb today and was on the way till afternoon but made it pretty good and chose the mountain route of the Camino, but instead of views there was a lot of fog. And he had a little adventure and found a dead foal on the way that was already half-eaten – later the hospitalero of our nice Albergue told us that there are wolves in this region, so they probably catched the foal.

I streched in Albergue, drank tons of water, showered and as dad came we both took a nap. Then we needed to plan the next day and went shopping – and cooked a zucchini tomato pasta 🍝

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