Day 9: Abadin to Vilalba

We started early today with an alarm from another pilgrim that first sounded like a fire alarm. Then we enjoyed a breakfast an talked to H. from Spain, also about his Spanish friend who is right now doing an Ultra Marathon in Switzerland.

I took the bus till Goiriz with some other pilgrims (grandmothers and her granddaugthers) and got a shirt as a present from the Mexican pilgrim M. we met yesterday at the bus station. Then I walked the last 7 km and met J. from Tenessy and talked a little to him and ate a lot of blackberries. Afterwards I collected one bag of trash – „Eine gute Tat jeden Tag“ . At the Albergue I met A. from Poland and D. from Mexico and ate lunch with them. Before that I went grocery shopping and saw an interesting traditional Galician parade which was part of a festival.

Dad saw many delicious Galicien blackberrys, one closed Albergue, many cows, a grande café con leche and a special cross. And a breakfast: almond chocolate with bread.

Now we want to call mom and Laura and then grab dinner with some other pilgrims after a nap.

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