Day 17: Santiago – München

It is our last day in Santiago. We go early (before 7am) to the cathedral, can watch the stars and go with very view people inside. At the tomb of Jakobus we are on our own for about 3 minutes – unbelieveable if you look on the crowds in the afternoon.

Later we have breakfast, then Johanna buys small earrings and we go to the place of the cathedral again, where we meet E. an J from South Korea. After lunch we meet J. and B. from Norway as they arrive at the cathedral, go to the bus station and from there to the airport of Santiago.

There we meet S. from Poland again… And with him the two German pelegrinas E. and T. together we wait for the delayed flight. In Memmingen Beate and Laura are waiting for us in the rain… we drive back with the car and take S. to the S-Bahn, because otherwise he would come back to Landshut tomorrow.

Day 16: Santiago de Compostela

We woke up early and after a yummy breakfast we went to the pilgrims office where we got 2 Compostelas: and one of them for my grandmother dedicated from dad. This is called Vicarie Pro.

Then we shopped in Froiz, a special supermarket and ate lunch in the big parc of Santiago – Parque Alameda.

There was an event from the german pilgrims office where different German pilgrims met – we got to know two others and talked with a volunteer and a priest.

Afterwards we did a walk around and through the cathedral with spiritual aspects guided from another volunteer and this was a special experience too!

Then we sat on the big place in front of the cathedral and O. wrote us if we meet again for dinner. Now we are back in the monastery and we’ll do a thooth brush party for the end of the day.


Day 15: Lavacolla to Santiago de Compostela

Today it was raining and we had only to go 11 km left to go to Santiago.

We visited a church and met H. with his son P. and his farther. It rained even more and we made a small break in a bar with coffee for dad and warm milk for me.

Then we walked on to Santiago. 5km, 4 km, 2km, 1km and we stood in front of the cathedral. O. (french pilgrim) waited for us and after a welcome we had coffe again.

We went to our sleeping place in the monetary Seminario Menor and ate lunch. Later we want to meet O. and walk around the city.

Day 14: Arzúa to Lavacolla

Today we woke up at 6 a.m anf saw many pilgrims on the way. Espacially for me it was a shock because the pilgrims who came never ended. Sometimes there were almost as many emtpy bottels of beer as pilgrims at the bar.

We saw the horse police that really worked as photo models and bagpipe player. And a lot of beautiful trees and big/old eucalyptus trees. We passed the airport and then we had only 11 km left to Santiago.

And we arrived in VIP luxury pilgrim apartment suite with an own shower and an own bathroom.

Day 13: Sobrado to Arzúa

We started with darkness in the morning and got some pretty views of the cathedral. At our breakfast yhere was a little dog that tried to get food from us with all ways – in the beginning with cute eyes and then with barking – but after 10 min he realised he won’t get anything from us because we saw that it was well-fed and well-looking.

Then we continued our way through the Eucalyptus forests, beautiful vegetable gardens and corn fields. 🌽 🌲

After a longer lunch break we met H. and his son and dad from Valencia again and talked to them again. Then we seperated and dad walked faster to get an Albergue in Arzúa for us and I continued a bit slower. After our pilgrims duties we want to call home and later go out for dinner ✨


Day 12: Miraz to Sobrado

We started early in the morning and it was cold (and we made a 20 min detour because of the darkness) . The sunrise was gorgeus and we went through a beautiful area.

Then we walked along a rode, made breakfast with some view and wore our fleece jackets until 10 a.m.

On the way we met C. and N. from Belgium several times. We passed by a farm where all animals seemed to had the best life on earth – the chickens walked free on the street, the dogs laid in the shadow, the cows had lot of space and everywhere were butterflies – seemed like a little paradise.

After another descend we passed a lake and a photo shooting from a mom with her daughter’s was far away from us. In the end, after almost 29 km, we reached Sobrado and waited about 20 min for the checkin in the Albergue in the beautiful giant monastary.

We showered, did laundery and took a look at the cathedral. After a short stop at the farmacia for Magnesium and shopping in the supermarket, we ate dinner with the two Belgians.


Day 11: Baamonde to Miraz

After waking up we started walking together again and this was really nice after 4 days of walking alone.

Soon we reached the 100 km mark and had our breakfast in a big stone house on the way. And saw an old church from the 15th century. Again Eucalyptus, a lot of blackberries and a pilgrims sculpture of stone. And unfortunately there was again some trash on the road, especially „KinderSchokobons“. I collected them all (9 pieces).

I took two times a shower because I had problems with the tiger balm I always put on my knee. Now we getting everything done and want to eat dinner with two Norwegian pilgrims.

Day 10: Vilalba to Baamonde

Today we seperated again and I took the taxi for the first 6 km. Dad started walking from Vilalba first alone and then with the Spanish pilgrim H..
I walked slowly the whole time and enjoyed every kilometer and the peaceful views of cows, cats, blackberries and fruit trees.
We saw each other again 3km before Baamonde and walked the rest together.
At 6 p.m. we had a mass in the small church here hold by a Polish pilgrim who is a priest. It was English/Polish and I read the second lesson (Lesung).
Later we want to go to the restaurant.