Day 12: Miraz to Sobrado

We started early in the morning and it was cold (and we made a 20 min detour because of the darkness) . The sunrise was gorgeus and we went through a beautiful area.

Then we walked along a rode, made breakfast with some view and wore our fleece jackets until 10 a.m.

On the way we met C. and N. from Belgium several times. We passed by a farm where all animals seemed to had the best life on earth – the chickens walked free on the street, the dogs laid in the shadow, the cows had lot of space and everywhere were butterflies – seemed like a little paradise.

After another descend we passed a lake and a photo shooting from a mom with her daughter’s was far away from us. In the end, after almost 29 km, we reached Sobrado and waited about 20 min for the checkin in the Albergue in the beautiful giant monastary.

We showered, did laundery and took a look at the cathedral. After a short stop at the farmacia for Magnesium and shopping in the supermarket, we ate dinner with the two Belgians.


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