Day 7: our one day in Dublin – including the St. Patricks Cathedral, a lot of good food and nice stores with amazing founds

We started early in the morning with a breakfast and then drove 1 hour to Dublin by car. As unplanned and chilled we were, we arrived at the Guinness Storehouse Museum and wanted to get tickets but they told us that they were almost sold out and the last minute family ticket would have cost around 70€. So we decided to chance the parking space and just took a picture in front of the big Guiness house. 📷🍺

The first real stop we made at a coffee house and drank Cappuchino and hot chocolate☕.

But as we went that way we came across a big second hand store called ‚Oxfam‘ and found a beautiful jumpsuit for Laura and for me the original book of Little Woman in a really pretty version. 📕

Next we went to the St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the center of the city. It was touristic, informative and we learned a lot about the Irish belief, the architechture and history of the building with the help from audioguides. ⛪

For lunch we walked through some pedestrian streets of Dublin and crossed the Halfpennybridge where you had to pay a half penny for crossing years ago. We ate in a traditional Irish restaurant delicious meals and enjoyed the atmosphere🍴 Our next stop was in a pink ‚Gelateria‘ (ice cream store).🍦

Then we walked by the Costum House, an interesting and imposant building and saw the Spire, a 121 m high monument that looks like a needle. And we walked through the Trinity College campus 🙂

At 5:30 p.m. we were again in the St. Patrick’s Cathedral and listened to the ‚Evensong‘, a special mass with a visiting choir, a lot of good music and a wonderful atmosphere ✨✨

We stopped again at a coffee shop and then drove to the Caravans again. We made a diner, cooked noodles for noodle and her family and went sleepy to bed! 🌌

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