Day 9: hiking on cliffs about 12 km with the best views, a wonderful dinner and volleyball in the evening

After breakfast we started a washing machine and went shopping in an Aldi, a german supermarket that also has markets here in Ireland and it was interesting to see the diffrences. We placed our almost dry clothes on furniture in the pod and then prepared everything for our hike we expected to be 2 1/2 hours long.

It turned out that the trail wasn’t so short made but completely worth every kilometer. We started in a small village and walked down a road to the ocean and the views got better and better and we walked on sand paths. At a beautiful bay and beach we ate our lunch and looked at the waves and another tourist who actually swim carefullly there. 🏊🌊

Then we went straigth up a hill (it was not the only one on the way to overcome) 🙂

The next hours we saw wonderful views of high cliffs. And some sheeps with their paint on their backs which chilled everywhere. We tried to feed them with carots but they didn’t want to eat it and were so scared of us tourists that they would run away from us several times we tried 🥕.

Moreover we saw some special birds. Many of the water birds ‚Kormoran/cormorant‘ on the small islands next to the cliffs and in the Moors the ‚Wiesenpieper/Meadow pipit‘. 🐦

It was overwhelming how we stand there in front of this unique views and cliffs and how colossal and giant they stood out from the sea 🌊✨

At our pods again we chilled a bit, did something for school and Beate cooked dinner: rice with champingons we really enjoyed. And we met people of the camping place, for example a man from the UK who cycels a race from the North to the South of Ireland and rode his bike today for over 300 km – that’s so crazy!! And a man from Ireland who has a tidal pool at home and uses it through out the year. He thinks that the 17°C (the summer temperature of the Atlantic) are comfortable. For someome who swims normally in the Mediteran Sea it’s a little bit crazy, but tomorrow we want to try the tidal pool. 🙂

In the evening Laura & I played volleyball 🏐 and fell tired into bed. ✨

These flower pictures are espacially for our grandmother we called today too! ✨

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