Day 10: more of a rest day with a yummy lunch and two times swimming in the tidal pool

Today we slept a little longer and started our day really chilled with some Duolingo and I started braiding a clothesline with old ropes I found yesterday at the beach. Then we ate breakfast and got ready and walked to the tidal pool where many locals were in. The first few moments in the water were pretty cold (15°C) and we swam a bit around. 🌊

After that freezing bath we felt warm, changed clothes at the pod and walked into the center of the village and ate at Mc’s Bistro and Grill our lunch. The portions were very big and delicious so we were full the whole afternoon. We chilled a bit at the pods, slept or braided or knitted.

In the late afternoon we took our second swim in the tidal pool and this time we all got in, Laura too. It was a little bit easier the second time and the warmness afterwards was amazing. We went on a walk to the city again but the cafè and restaurant were closed so we walked back at the sea promenade and ate dinner at the pods. Laura and I played some volleyball 🏐 and soon we will go to bed and will fall asleep with rain and maybe a coming thunderstorm outside ✨

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