Day 5: Piñera to Tapia de Casariego

We woke up at 7 a.m. and started walking. We walked almost the whole way to La Caridad with O., a French pilgrim we met on the way and talked about the camino, our future plans of hiking and traveling, our family, traditional food and dishes of our homecountries, lives at home and found some figs that were ripe and delicious.

At La Caridad we had lunch and met G. from Poland who currently works in Germany in Landshut who walked the last two days 55 km each day and had a backback with more than 13kg, which seemed a little crazy to us.

Then we dicided to continue walking to Tapia and said goodbye to both. On the way my knee began to hurt, not bad but I could feel little pain which was never a issue I had.

So my dad and I decided after a break that he would walk the last 7 km and dad would call a taxi for me – yes, sometimes the Camino means calling a taxi. The driver was very friendly and we talked the few minutes with a translator about the Camino and Tapia🚕

At the Casa Cultura/Tourist Office I reserved two beds for dad and me. Before we went to the albergue we decided that we will walk only about 12 km tomorrow and have a lot of rest so my knee will heal hopefully.

Then we walked to the beach at a wonderful bay. There were many locals and some tourists and we bath in the comfortable (it was not as easy to go in as in the Mediterranean Sea, but staying in there was comfortable) water. The waves were high and strong and it was a lot of fun to jump with and into them. 🌊

After a quick shower we walked to the Albergue, made our beds ready and washed our laundry – there I met another German Pilgrim in the Women’s Restroom who currently works in Barcelona and talked to her a bit. We enjoyed our dinner (Platos combinados with chicken, salad, eggs and fries and a pizza) at a local bar. Afterwards we shortly walked thorugh the city center and crowded pedestrian zone, saw some fish and looked at the harbour and the small boats. ⛵

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