Day 6: Tapia de Casariego to Ribadeo

Today we woke up late and were (once a time it’s nice to do it) the last pilgrims that left the Albergue. We had our breakfast at the beach and watched a surfers. 🏄

For the first time we saw a big group of pilgrims, mabye about 15 people. Then we went along the beach and the shore 🌊 and through endless corn fields. 🌽

At a church we made our second stop and had (for some days) the last lunch with sea view and big waves with surfers and surf schools.

Afterwards we walked over the bridge from Austuria to Galicia – 600m way and very beautiful canal with some boats. The whole way my knee was not so bad but I felt it some times.

We arrived at the first Albergue and got two beds. This is so far the beautifullest Albergue and the woman who owns it is friendly and all bedrooms, the living room, the kitchen and the garden.

Soon we’re going to the city center of Ribadeo and probably first to a pharmacy to by something for my knee and then we go to eat dinner with H. (Germany) and P. (Espagna).

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