Yesterday there was a German couple in the hostel as well. They are on holidays in Galicia and the woman did a Camino about 20 years ago.
Today I thought I could try a larger distance…. after more than one month on my camino I am well trained and maybe fitter in walking than anytime before now or later in my life. And the way after Rodeiro is good…. not many ups and downs…. and it is not so hot today… and there are several albergues where I can quit if there is a problem. So I set the alarm clock to 4 o’clock (there was noone else in my room).
I started in the night without the moon and with my smartphone-lamp. Sometimes I covered the lamp and just watched the stars.
The dawn….
In Lalin I still felt good and went on….
I visited this church in Taboada and got a stamp for my credencial ( the pilgrim’s passport).
In Silleda I still felt good and went on… a little bit later I thought… hmmm… is this really good… but then I saw Bandeiro in the distance.
After the last difficult kilometers I was there…. and I walked about 44km.
But now it is really enough with new personal records…