Day 8: from the Eastside to the Nordwestcoast of Ireland, a delicious restaurant, a walk by the sea & a pod with view of the ocean

Today we had our last breakfast at our first accomandation at Ireland. Then we washed dishes, checked out and drove about 4 hours to our new at the Nordwestcoast of the ocean. We made a stop at a gas station and at a restaurant in a small city called Ballaghaderreen in the restaurant „The fiddlers Elbow“ – and the meals were delicious! They had a robot called Betty who served the food and it was the first one we saw in real life🍴✨

The whole drive we drove by wonderful nature with such pretty landscapes that were diffrent from Germany. And somewhere tere were sheep and some cows and completed the views like from paintings. 🎨

We arrived in Belmullet and checked into our wooden pod with sea view. After a dinner with salad and good soda bread and cheddar we went to the beach and looked at the Tidal Pool not far away from our new place. We watches the sunset and walked a little bit around.

Day 7: our one day in Dublin – including the St. Patricks Cathedral, a lot of good food and nice stores with amazing founds

We started early in the morning with a breakfast and then drove 1 hour to Dublin by car. As unplanned and chilled we were, we arrived at the Guinness Storehouse Museum and wanted to get tickets but they told us that they were almost sold out and the last minute family ticket would have cost around 70€. So we decided to chance the parking space and just took a picture in front of the big Guiness house. 📷🍺

The first real stop we made at a coffee house and drank Cappuchino and hot chocolate☕.

But as we went that way we came across a big second hand store called ‚Oxfam‘ and found a beautiful jumpsuit for Laura and for me the original book of Little Woman in a really pretty version. 📕

Next we went to the St. Patrick’s Cathedral in the center of the city. It was touristic, informative and we learned a lot about the Irish belief, the architechture and history of the building with the help from audioguides. ⛪

For lunch we walked through some pedestrian streets of Dublin and crossed the Halfpennybridge where you had to pay a half penny for crossing years ago. We ate in a traditional Irish restaurant delicious meals and enjoyed the atmosphere🍴 Our next stop was in a pink ‚Gelateria‘ (ice cream store).🍦

Then we walked by the Costum House, an interesting and imposant building and saw the Spire, a 121 m high monument that looks like a needle. And we walked through the Trinity College campus 🙂

At 5:30 p.m. we were again in the St. Patrick’s Cathedral and listened to the ‚Evensong‘, a special mass with a visiting choir, a lot of good music and a wonderful atmosphere ✨✨

We stopped again at a coffee shop and then drove to the Caravans again. We made a diner, cooked noodles for noodle and her family and went sleepy to bed! 🌌

Day 6: National Park Wicklow mountains – hiking in Glendalough in the mountains by the Upper Lake & the cat noodle

Today we finally had a day to sleep longer so we stayed up at 9 a.m. and a little more sleep made us all feel very relaxed and great because we had some lacks of sleep of the last days to close. After a good porridge we drove to Rathdrum to go shopping in a supermarket called „Centra“ and bought some food for the next days and today. 🎒

Then we headed to Glendalough where we parked at Lower Lake. We began walking down the Upper Lake to a big brook/waterfall up the hill with a wonderful view over the whole vally with the lake. There we ate our lunch at a bench – with yummy cheddar! 🍞 🧀

On the way up the mountain we saw goats, sheep and deer that were very comfortable with our human presence. The whole day the Irish scenery was beautiful and we were overwhelmed by all the great views. We also enjoyed tea and biscuits in small breaks🍪

The last meters uphill were a little challenging for all of us but as we arrived at the top everything was worth it and fhe way back we enjoyed all the wonderful views. 🏞

At 7 a.m. we arrived at the camping place, showered and now Laura & I will play some volleyball and then eat noodels with Irish mushrooms. 🍝

Addition: The evening was very funny. On the camping place are a lot of cats and they are always hungry. So one cute black kitten came and we gave her about 7 noodels and called her „noodel“. Later another cat mum and her kittens came and also got something for their hunger too🐱

Day 4 & 5: from the countryside to Cherbourg, a few hours on the beach, ferry ride from Cherbourg to Rosslare, a festival in Wexford & glamping in a Cararavan in the Wicklow mountains with fire

After a few hours of dirve we arrived at Cherbourg. There we jumped into the 17°C sea and it was pretty refreshing. We ate picknick at the ocean and watched ferries and boats arriving at the habor. We checked in, met other Germans (another family of four from Mindelheim) and talked with them.

At the ferry we watched the departure of the habour, saw dolphins and than had an amazing dinner: fish and chips, buger & spinac ravioli. 🚢 🌊

We slept in a room with big chairs and got free coffee and cacoa there in the moring. At 6:30 a.m. we watched the sunrise out of the clouds and I ate my breakfast porridge there with a great view. The whole morning the sun shined for us and we talked to the family from Mindelheim on the top of the boat.

We arrived at 12 a.m. at the habour of Rosslare and drove half an hour to Wexford. There was a big festival with dancers and young musicians from all over Ireland ✨

We ate at an Irish restaurant, called Frank’s Place🍴

Another hour drive brought us to our stay for the next few nigths – Glissman Glamping with our own horse caravan to sleep in – in the beautiful area of the Wicklow mountains. Laura & and I played volleyball, we sorted our stuff a bit and then made dinner outside on our bench. Our day ends now with a hot fire 🔥🗻

Day 3: Volvic to a small village near Alençon

We started our day in a french bakery („boulangerie“) with coffee and a very delicous pain au chocolat with a view of the village – simply perfect☕🍫.

As we drove to the highway we also got a look of the Volvic castle.
Our drive today took us 450 km and we ate our lunch at a pretty highway stop with a lot of green. In the afternoon we arrived at our house for the night – a beautiful chalet in the middle of nowhere. We checked in and walked around in the forest. The farmer who owned it has six cute hourses, the dogs Athos and Ux and some goats! Laura & I played Volleyball  🏐

And we enjoyed the silence of the countryside with the brook near by. After a wonderful dinner with pasta and salad we watched the sunset, showered and fell happy into bed! ✨📌🦋🌍

Day 2: Genova to Volvic – a 650 km ride through half France and a visist of an old friend

We started early from Genova and began the ride at 7 a.m. with a beautiful scenery and the last sigths of the ocean. Through the Frejus tunnel from Italy to France – through the Mont Cenis Massiv about 11 kilometers.

In Villefontaine we visited an old friend of our mother Cathrine and her family. We got a pretty nice lunch with salad, delicious Ratatouille and a lot of variations of Ice Cream.

Then we drove another 2 1/2 hours to Volvic our next stay over the night. After diner we walked through the city and explored a little of the old french village.

Day 1: Drive to Genova near from Rome, exploring the habour and the ligthouse

Today we woke up early and started driving west at 8 a.m. It was a 400 km drive and with some stops for coffee or ice cream with the beautiful scenery of the Mediterrane Sea really enjoyable!

🌊In the afternoon we arrived and checked into our gorgeous apartment on the 5th floor and rested a bit. Then we explored the city and first saw less cleaned up parts and a lot of construction zones. We arrived at the walking ways and promenades and got good views of the giant habour. At the lighthouse the view was even better and we luckily reached it before the closure and could get a look over the whole city. On the way back we took another route that was cleaner and more revived with beautiful buildings, a lot of small supermercatos and vegetables/fruit stores!

Laura and I cooked for dinner Pasta and made a salad 🥗🍝! After a shower and some talking about our last experiences we fell into bed :)✨