Day 5: check out, flea market, last mass

At 8 a.m. we loaded our luggage into the bus and after breakfast we drove into the city. Johanna, Gerlinde, Sarah and I went to a flea market where we buyed second hand clothes. I found a linen shirt. We walked by the Colosseum and through a parc into the quater of Monti where I enjoyed a mozarella zucchini lasagne. Then we checked other Vintage and Second Hand stores and shopped some snacks for diner. At 3 p.m. we took a train to the Saint Paules Basilica outside the city wall. At 6:30 p.m. the mass with over 3000 other pilgrims of Germany started. The atmosphere was amazing and we sang loud and clapped and danced. Probably this was one of the best masses of my entire life! After this wonderful experience my sistwr and I said goodbye to our group. With our parents we drove outside the city and fell asleep in a nice apartment 1 hour away from the city. In conclusion we had wonderful 5 days in Rome, connected as a group and now can return with amazing memories! ✨📌❤🌍

Day 4 Rome: German Cemetery of the Vatican, Sto Bene Panini & Beach in Ostia

Today we could get up a little later and after a good breakfast we visited the German Cemetery of the Vatican that only german speaking country members can visit. It was really interesting to see that the oldest graves were from the 14th century. Then we explored in small groups the next few hours – we went into the german pilgrims center with AC and met a former priest of our church there. Moreover we walked around Trastevere again and ate such delicious panini at Sto Bene. In the afternoon we rode a train out to the beach but without AC in it. So it was hot in the crowded train. But as we arrived at the Beach Cristoforo Colombo in Ostia the water was welcoming cold! ✨📌 The end of the day we stayed in a pizzaria with giant pizzas that tasted amazing! On the way back Anna and I talked to a woman from Chicago. And we sang Bibi und Tina songs and our theme song of the week at the bus station.

Day 3: New Rome & Popes Audience

After a breakfast at 8:30 a.m. we drove with the bus to the new Rome and saw the Spanish stairs, the Trevi fountain and stayed at the Placa de Spagna. Then we tried the best „gelateria“ (Ice cream) of Rome and it was delicious!! Anna and I also ate tasty Roman fried rice balls! ✨📌

Then we walked through less crowed quater of the city. It was really fun because we explored the more secret parts of Rome like hidden libraries. In one we even left a message under a loose stone with our number 🙂

We had to wait long to reach the place in front of the St. Peters Basilica and there we watched (as we arrived) an audience of the Pope. Our dinner was a yummy panini.

Through the last days we exchanged a lot of pilgram fan articels and today Anna & I even exchanged T-Shirts.

Day 2 Rome; Ralley with Actionbound, picknick in a parc & Trastevere

We ate breakfast at 7:30 a.m. and then drove with the train into the city center. There we made a ralley around 6 popular places in Rome with the App Actionbound. We went into beautiful churches including the Lateran, Santa Maria Mangiorro.

Our lunch we had in parc near the Colloseum and then walked to one hill of Rome to the St. Sabina and walked through the quatier Trastevere. After a long day and over 22.000 steps and a good dinner (Cacchio et pepe) we are happy to fall into our beds.

Day 1 Rome; long bus ride and begin mass in the St. Peter’s Basilica

We started our journey in Munich at 9 p.m. with a small mass and then headed out (with a group of 40) with a travel bus in direction of Rome. We stopped at a playground and had pretty much fun.

We knotted bracelets and Anna improved emergency drawing in the bus.

At around 12 a.m. we arrived at our hostel and checked in and had lunch. Then we headed out for a big mass with 5.000 other mass servers and it was sooo overwhelming and amazing because the Basilica of St. Peter’s Basilca was full with young and motivated people for this week. Later we ate dinner at a good restaurant 🍴✨📌🦋